
Expanding University Research Support through Data Management, Storage and Preservation

Scholars Portal, the digital infrastructure arm of Ontario’s university libraries, supports Canadian researchers throughout the research lifecycle. As a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) hosted by the University of Toronto (UTL), Scholars Portal achieves this through collaboration and partnerships across Ontario and Canada. Two important components of this infrastructure, Scholars Portal Dataverse and the Ontario Library Research Cloud (OLRC), empower researchers to manage, store, and preserve research data in accordance with best practices. 


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The coordinated sharing of physical materials between universities across Ontario and Canada has been fundamental to the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) consortium since its inception in 1967. Interlibrary loan and other types of resource sharing have enabled our libraries to provide access to physical materials beyond our individual institutions, and support the important research, and learning goals of the academic community. 

Ontario University Libraries Respond to Uncertain Times

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TORONTO, ON, May 25, 2024 - In these extraordinary times Ontario’s university libraries are working together to support our teaching, learning and research communities. Through the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) Ontario’s 21 universities have collaborated since 2002 to provide access to a rich set of digital collections through a robust and innovative digital infrastructure. This shared technological infrastructure, Scholars Portal and Omni, and our history of collaboration have made us flexible, resourceful and responsive in the face of uncertainty.

怎样检查搬瓦工IP被墙 | 搬瓦工:2021-3-30 · 今天麦子收到一位网友的站内信说自己购买的搬瓦工ip被墙了,麦子当时也是没搞明白这位网友说的什么意思,经过百度得知原来是说搬瓦工IP被封而导致连接不上服务器。博客在前面也写过如何避免搬瓦工IP地址被封(墙)的一些事项,大家可众去看看。

Dear colleagues,
Like many of you, Scholars Portal staff are currently working remotely to continue to support online library services to university communities in Ontario and across Canada. We are up and running and eager to enable you to provide a strong set of online services to your users.

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Please note, this webinar has been postponed until further notice.

People are curious! How did the Omni implementation go?  Please join us for a webinar if you would like to know more about how the implementation went. Speakers will include:

New Feature on Scholars Portal Journals: Unpaywall Linking

View of the green unpaywall button below an article

Scholars Portal is pleased to announce the addition of unpaywall linking to the Scholars Portal Journals platform.
Unpaywall is a service that connects article DOIs to fulltext, Open Access versions of those articles from OA journals as well as pre-print repositories.

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